Royal Law of June 9, 2020 regulates urgent measures of prevention, containment and coordination to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
With regard to passenger transport, the Royal Law obliges passenger transport companies with a preassigned seat number, and RENFE need to collect contact information from all passengers. RENFE will provide this lists to the public health authorities, in order to carry out traceability of contacts.
To make these measures effective, Renfe has implanted the “Personalized Ticket” in all its sales channels, allowing the person who travels to be identified.The main objectives of this initiative is to contact the passenger before, during or after the trip, to communicate incidents due to health alerts or any other eventuality.
in this case the passenger will have to provide the following information:
- Passport number,
- Name, Last name,
- Telephone number, email address
In the case of a purchase of several tickets, the identification of each passenger will be essential and mandatory. Personal data will always be protected and guarantee of privacy.
For any futher information please contact www.g2rail.com or check the news in “Xmove“ APP.